Bryan Harrison was born in Tampa, Florida, and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina in 1992. There, for thirty years, he has been an America-watcher. Observing national events unfold from his vantage point of what is called the Tidewater Region, he knows this is not the same country in which he grew up. He believes the deep state has turned on the people of the United Sates.

He has seen politicians of both parties ignore the Constitution, reject traditional values and morals, accept rampant crime as normal, turn away from first responders, agree to the systemmatic destruction of the American family. When his father, a decorated Marine and police officer, passed away in 2019, at 88 years old, the loss transformed his life. He felt a moral obligation to speak against the destruction of the American republic had passed from father to son. He also deeply believes that in days like these, no U.S. citizen should stay silent. 

About Bryan Harrison